Rehearsal Space

Large, clean, com­fort­able and ful­ly equipped with top-notch gear from Fend­er, Mar­shall, Ampeg, Yama­ha and Zild­jian, our rehearsal rooms pro­vide an ide­al envi­ron­ment for work­ing musi­cians.
JamSpot in Wake­field:
All day, every day: Play­er Rooms are $40/hr,
Show­case, Duke’s II, Joe’s Room and Room Six are $50/hour
Please note that spe­cial events (e.g. Video Shoots, Live Streams, Load-Ins & Show­cas­es, etc.) may be sub­ject to high­er rates.
Please call or email us for details.

Before you book: take a minute to read over our book­ing pol­i­cy.


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You have one top notch facility there that you should be (and I'm sure you are) exceptionally proud of. You could not have been more accommodating. You can be sure that I will put the word out to folks that I know. Thanks again and I hope I have reason to book more time at Jamspot in the future. Why would I want to rehearse anywhere else?
BTW, again, I was very impressed with all you guys can provide. I’ve done rehearsals there before with 4-piece rock bands, but never thought you guys would have EVERYTHING we needed for a full production like we did. Thanks again.
The service there is fantastic and I have never had anything but a high impression of how the business is run, how we are treated, and the top-flight folks that work for you.
We had a great time playing at JamSpot!  We recorded 30 min worth of playing and we came home and listened to it. Oh my, it recorded so great that I regret I didn't tweak the vocal volume right. I think it's worth just going there to record some demos. Also, playing on the stage just like a real situation definitely have benefits mentally. What a great sounding room!