The JamSpot Player Room™

Get out of that crowd­ed base­ment, garage or leaky rehearsal space and move up to pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­ty, clean and acousti­cal­ly sound rooms.

Sized at approx­i­mate­ly 240 square feet, with high ceil­ings and acoustic treat­ments from bet­ter sound, JamSpot Play­er Rooms are per­fect for musi­cal groups of up to 10 peo­ple. Each Play­er Room is set up with a full sized 5 piece drum kit, 2 gui­tar amps, a bass rig, and a PA sys­tem with 3 mic set-ups.

A typ­i­cal Play­er Room set up includes Fend­er Hotrod Deluxe gui­tar amps, Ampeg or Hartke bass amps, a 5 piece Yama­ha Stage Cus­tom Advan­tage drum kit with Zild­jian cym­bals (hi-hats, 2 crash­es and ride). Many rooms also come with a Fish­man Loud­box Pro acoustic gui­tar amp. Key­boards, gui­tars and bass­es are avail­able for rental on request.

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