ALS Benefit Show November 21 @ Hard Rock Cafe, Boston

For imme­di­ate release

JamSpot Rocks for A Cure”

Local musi­cians join forces in a sold out ben­e­fit con­cert to raise aware­ness of ALS at the Hard Rock Café in Boston on Novem­ber 21st, 2010.

Bands per­form­ing include: On the Verge of Feed­back, Crooked Dig­it, Lucky 13 and The Michael A. Berar­di Project with Spe­cial Guest Bill Janovitz.

Novem­ber 9, 2010: 19 musi­cians from the North Shore will per­form a ben­e­fit con­cert to raise aware­ness of ALS and funds for the ALS Mass­a­chu­setts Chap­ter at the Hard Rock Café on Sun­day, Novem­ber 21. The con­cert is ded­i­cat­ed to Michael A. Berar­di, a local musi­cian diag­nosed with ALS. Michael is plan­ning to per­form at the ben­e­fit with The Michael A. Berar­di Project, which fea­tures Bill Janovitz of Buf­fa­lo Tom on gui­tar and vocals.

We are so excit­ed about this show!” said Lisa Tringali, who has coor­di­nat­ed the event and whose son Domenic Tringali (14) is play­ing in 3 out of the 4 bands. “Michael is one of us: a fel­low musi­cian and our friend. We were shocked when we learned he had ALS but Michael loves to play music so this event is a per­fect way to sup­port him and raise aware­ness of a tru­ly ter­ri­ble dis­ease.”

All four of the bands per­form­ing at the show were formed at JamSpot in Wake­field under the direc­tion of Bil­ly Jenks, Direc­tor of Music Pro­grams at JamSpot. “All the bands have been work­ing real­ly hard to get ready for this con­cert”, said Bil­ly. “I’m par­tic­u­lar­ly proud of Lucky 13, a band made up entire­ly of teenaged musi­cians, who, with their par­ents’ sup­port, have put in a lot of extra time to learn their parts. It’s been a lot of work but there’s no doubt we’re gonna rock the house on Novem­ber 21.”

JamSpot Rocks for a Cure is spon­sored by Zild­jian, UniFirst Cor­po­ra­tion, JamSpot, Michael A. Berar­di, Onset School of Music, Stop & Shop, The 99 Restau­rants, Riccardo’s Ris­torante, Ulti­mate Elec­tron­ics, Under­cov­er Wear, Chaot­ic Wrestling, Mass Pre­mier Soc­cer (MPS), ALS Mass­a­chu­setts Chap­ter, and the Hard Rock Café Boston. Red Sox play­ers Curt Schilling and Dustin Pedroia have donat­ed items for the silent auc­tion and raf­fle.

The event is sold out. Donations can be made at the JamSpot Rocks For A Cure page on the ALS Massachusetts Chapter page.

The ALS Mass­a­chu­setts Chap­ter was found­ed on Jan­u­ary 27, 1990, to serve the needs of those liv­ing with Amy­otroph­ic Lat­er­al Scle­ro­sis and their care­givers. We offer more than a dozen free ser­vices for patients and their fam­i­lies, includ­ing respite care, equip­ment loan, a children’s pro­gram and sup­port groups. The ALS Asso­ci­a­tion is the only nation­al not-for-prof­it health orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed sole­ly to the fight against ALS. ALSA cov­ers all the bases — research, patient and com­mu­ni­ty ser­vices, pub­lic edu­ca­tion, and advo­ca­cy — in pro­vid­ing help and hope to those fac­ing the dis­ease.

JamSpot is your one stop source for rehearsal, record­ing, music pro­grams and gear rental. It’s New England’s largest and best known rehearsal com­pa­ny, with loca­tions in Somerville, MA and Wake­field, MA. Jamspot is famous for great rooms, great gear and excep­tion­al cus­tomer ser­vice. Vis­it

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