JamSpot Gift Certificates Available!

A gift cer­tifi­cate to JamSpot is a per­fect gift for the musi­cian in your life. Every­one loves to play, and JamSpot offers a range of ser­vices to fit the needs and wants of every play­er, from begin­ner to pro. JamSpot Gift Cer­tifi­cates are avail­able in any amount, nev­er expire and can be used for any­thing from pri­vate prac­tice time to get­ting the band back togeth­er or record­ing the hit record. Give us a call at 617–666-7529 or email us at giftcertificates@jamspot.com to order your per­son­al­ized a per­son­al­ized gift cer­tifi­cate. Read on to see more details of what your gift can get @ JamSpot.


JamSpot is designed to give peo­ple who like to play music a place to play when they need it. We have 18 ful­ly-equipped music stu­dios in facil­i­ties in Somerville and Wake­field, Mass­a­chu­setts. Our stu­dios can be rent­ed by the hour, day or week, and come with high qual­i­ty elec­tric and acoustic gui­tar amps, a bass rig, a full Yama­ha® drum kit with Zild­jian® cym­bals, a PA sys­tem with mics,and free in-room CD record­ing.

The JamSpot Play­er Room® is set up for groups of up to 6 play­ers. We also have larg­er rooms includ­ing our Show­case Room and the leg­endary Duke’s Room® that can accom­mo­date larg­er groups, tours, lock­outs, show­cas­es, video and audio record­ings and spe­cial events.

JamSpot offers a wide range of ser­vices for musi­cians, includ­ing:

Rehearsal Space: Why play in the base­ment or pay a month­ly fee to haul your gear in and out of a dodgy ware­house when you can play in a pro­fes­sion­al­ly designed and equipped rehearsal stu­dio where you pay only for the time you use? JamSpot’s hourly rates can be as low as $30/hour. Spend your time play­ing, not set­ting up and break­ing down.

Jam Ses­sions: Are your old band­mates back in town for the hol­i­days? JamSpot’s ful­ly-equipped stu­dios are the per­fect place to get the band back togeth­er, if only for a few hours. We have every­thing you need: amps, drums, PA, mics, and can even pro­vide you with the instru­ments for a small rental fee. Easy!

Record­ing: JamSpot offers a unique “Live to Pro Tools®” mul­ti-track record­ing pro­gram at both Somerville and Wake­field. Bring the band and lay down your tracks as you play them, and then add over­dubs, patch­es and effects as you like. It’s a fast, easy, relaxed and very afford­able way to cap­ture your sound.

Pri­vate prac­tice: Use one of our ful­ly equipped stu­dios for indi­vid­ual prac­tice for as lit­tle as $10/hour when you buy a 10 hour solo prac­tice block. (The reg­u­lar solo prac­tice rate is $15/hour.) Solo prac­tice times are on a space-avail­able basis but can be booked in advance Mon­day-Fri­day before 6pm and any time on the week­end.

JamSpot Music Work­shops: Every day we get calls from peo­ple who want to play with oth­er musi­cians but don’t have the time (or patience!) to put togeth­er a band. The JamSpot Music Work­shop pro­gram solves this prob­lem. Under the lead­er­ship of a pro­fes­sion­al musi­cian and music teacher, we put togeth­er groups of folks of sim­i­lar skills and inter­ests into a band. The work­shops meet once a week, usu­al­ly for an hour and half, and will get an oppor­tu­ni­ty to play in JamSpot-spon­sored show­cas­es. If you ever want­ed to be in a band with­out the has­sles of being in a band, sign up for a JamSpot Music Work­shop! (Please note that JamSpot Music Work­shops are for adults. We do not offer work­shop pro­grams for kid or teenagers at this time.)

The JamSpot DJ Acad­e­my: DJing is a trade with no lim­its. Whether you have a cre­ative fire to fuel — or maybe just need some extra mon­ey to fuel a vehi­cle — the art of DJing can pro­vide unique oppor­tu­ni­ties to those that embark on the jour­ney. At the JamSpot DJ Acad­emy stu­dents will learn about and expe­ri­ence all of the many aspects to being a top-end DJ, and be able to dis­cover what type of DJing inter­ests them most. Based upon their inter­ests, stu­dents can then choose indi­vid­ual “learn­ing tracks” to learn more about a par­tic­u­lar aspect of DJing. The DJ Acad­e­my is open to teenagers and adults.

The JamSpot Elec­tron­ic Music Pro­duc­tion Pro­gram: Great for begin­ners to expe­ri­enced pro­duc­ers look­ing to put a new spin on their cre­ations, the JamSpot EMP pro­gram cov­ers every­thing from gen­eral con­cepts of elec­tronic music com­po­si­tion and pro­duc­tion to in-depth explo­ration of sound and arrange­ment. Our sea­soned, pro­fes­sional EM instruc­tors will show you how use cut­ting edge tech­nolo­gies, includ­ing Rea­son®, Able­ton®, Log­ic Pro® and Pro­Tools® to cre­ate sounds and com­pose your own elec­tronic music in our pro­fes­sion­ally equipped pro­duc­tion stu­dio. And when you’re ready, we’ll teach you how to use Face­book and Sound­Cloud to pro­mote your music.

To order your per­son­al­ized JamSpot Gift Cer­tifi­cate please call 617–666-7529 or email giftcertificates@jamspot.com today!


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